Formula 1
28 Oct 2024


24 23

According to a report by Autosport, the FIA is assessing whether Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc will be penalized for cursing during the press conference after the Mexican Grand Prix.

This incident occurred following Red Bull driver Max Verstappen’s community service penalty for cursing before last month’s Singapore GP. After finishing third in the race won by his teammate Carlos Sainz, Leclerc was asked about losing control of his car at Turn 17, which resulted in a position drop: “What did you say to yourself in that moment?”

Leclerc responded, “I lost the front once, and then when I recovered from that, I had another front slip from the other side. In that moment, I said, ‘f*!’”

Realizing he had cursed, Leclerc attempted to recover the situation by saying, “Oh, I’m sorry, no! I don’t want to get penalized and join Max!”

After the press conference, Leclerc reportedly spoke extensively with the FIA’s media representative and apologized for his outburst.

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Like Verstappen’s situation, Leclerc’s statement could be considered a violation of Article 12.2.1k of the FIA’s International Sporting Code. According to this rule, any words, actions, or writings that cause moral damage to the FIA, its bodies, members, or officials, or to the interests of motorsport and the values promoted by the FIA, are deemed punishable.

Officials are currently discussing whether to open an official investigation into Leclerc’s comments. At this stage, it’s unclear when a decision will be made, but the FIA may choose to wait until after the Brazilian GP next weekend before initiating any inquiry.

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