1 Nov 2024

Metin Tekin Explains the Story Behind the Nickname ‘Sari Firtina’


Former Besiktas footballer Metin Tekin, known as “Sari Firtina” (Yellow Storm), shared the story of how he got his nickname and how it changed over time during a talk in the Karamursel district of Kocaeli. The event was part of the Career Days program organized by the International Journalists Association.

“Many Athletes Came From This Region”

Following the opening speech by the association’s president, Ahmet Oz, a documentary about Tekin’s life was shown. In his speech, Tekin, originally from Karamursel, expressed his pride in his roots, saying, “Not many people know, but my grandfather was born in Karamursel. I have always been proud to be from Karamursel, Izmit, and Eregli. These lands are very fertile, producing many athletes over time, and they will continue to do so. I owe my youth and career to this place, and I am very happy to be here with you today.”

“This Has Turned Completely White”

Tekin shared the origin of his nickname with these words: “When I transferred to Besiktas, I was blond at the time, not completely white-haired as I am now. In my first training session, the sports press ran headlines like ‘Yellow Storm hits the field.’ I was known by this nickname for years, and I liked it a lot. Let me tell you how it ended: about five or six years ago, while I was waiting for an elevator in Istanbul, someone inside recognized me and said, ‘There’s the Yellow Storm.’ Another person replied, ‘How Yellow Storm? He’s completely white now.’ That day, I realized the Yellow Storm era was over.”

“I Still Believe Football Is Played on the Field”

Commenting on the current state of Turkish football, Tekin stated, “Financial obligations have made things difficult for clubs and everyone involved, leading to various interest groups. But I still believe football is played on the field, and the outcome depends solely on that. Fenerbahce may think differently, but I disagree. Football is ultimately a sport where results are achieved on the field. You have to develop your team in certain aspects.”

The event concluded with photo-taking sessions.

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