28 Oct 2024

TBF President Turkoglu’s Republic Day message!

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TBF President Hidayet Turkoglu released a message in celebration of Republic Day.

In his message published on the Turkey Basketball Federation (TBF) website, President Turkoglu stated:

“On the 101st anniversary of our Republic, the torch of independence and freedom continues to burn as brightly and strongly as it did on the first day. The unity and solidarity of our nation, along with the vision of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and the sacrifices of our heroic ancestors, established the Republic; it is not just a form of governance but the most precious legacy entrusted to us and a strong bridge to the future.

The Republic is the greatest legacy our nation has held throughout history and the cornerstone of our shared future. Our duty is not only to protect this legacy but also to carry it forward, enriching it with innovations in every field and leaving a strong heritage for future generations. I celebrate the 101st year of our Republic Day with my sincerest feelings and respectfully commemorate Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, his comrades, and all our martyrs and veterans.”

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